Thursday, April 14, 2016

Great Paper on the New Keynesian model

As I was scourging through interesting papers, I found a very interesting paper written by Cohen-Setton, Hausman and Wieland on the New Keynesian model. Within the contents of the paper, they discuss the New Keynesian model and it's effect on supply-side shocks in depressed economies. They utilized a very interesting example in France and its economy after a special measure where they had lifted the gold standard and set interesting economic measures. The results are quite fascinating and the paper goes into quite detail utilizing time series and a fantastic model to describe what had happened in detail. I'm still reading the paper, but it looks like they have found the key to the current debate over structural reforms within both the United States and the European Union. By utilizing these structural reform measures that were recommended before, the example shows that it doesn't particularly work very well in times of rare financial crises. A good read for anyone who is interested in these pressing matters, along with observing the model that they had utilized.